Category Archives: Cannabis Flowers

Will CBD Make Me Test Positive in a Drug Test

One of the biggest concerns most people have when it comes to CBD is how [...]

Using CBD For Strained and Sore Muscles

Anyone who is even slightly physical has experienced the discomfort of a strained muscle. While [...]

What Are the Benefits of CBD?

If you’re on the fence about whether you should give CBD a try, here are [...]

Always Choose High-Quality CBD

As more people start to understand the numerous benefits of CBD, demand increases. The problem [...]

When Should You Use CBD?

  Many people assume that there is a perfect time of the day when they [...]

Using CBD to Help You Cope With Everyday Stress

Stress isn’t good for us. Not only does it impact our overall emotional and mental [...]

Can CBD Help you Control Your Blood Pressure?

You can’t take high blood pressure lightly. It serves as a harbinger of many serious [...]

How CBD Aids with Anxiety

Many people who use CBD do so because they say it helps ease their anxiety, [...]

What’s the Difference between Hemp vs. Marijuana?

A common misconception in the world of cannabis is that hemp and marijuana are two [...]

History of Cannabis as a Medicine

By Lester Grinspoon, M.D. A native of Central Asia, cannabis may have been cultivated as [...]

Medical Cannabis Facts

Marijuana is made from the dried leaves and buds of the Cannabis sativa plant. While [...]

Five Success Stories in Medical Cannabis

Dr. Jacob Mirman is the Medical Director at Life Medical and also a doctor of [...]